The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

It's always wonderful when your writing is seen and appreciated by others, and this month I was honored to have one of my articles on grief (originally published in Tiny Buddha) be included in the Wings eLetter (published by Nan Zastrow).

Wings is an organization that offers support and companionship to people who are grieving. Nan and Gary Zastrow transformed their own grief (in loving memory of their son, Chad) into a catalyst for good, using their organization and the newsletter to provide guidance, opportunities for reflection, grief support programs, and a forum for others to share their grief journey. Thanks, Nan! 💜💛

#1 Trying Hard, But Hardly Changing

This article on change hit home as I struggle to change my eating habits and get back to healthier choices. It's so hard!! As many of you know, I've gained some weight from stress eating (and dropping my gym workouts) since my mom's illness. I'm currently struggling to wake up at 5 am to exercise because I know it will fuel my healthier eating (and empower me to want to change).

With references to her job as a case manager working in a residential drug addiction treatment center, Rachel outlines the anguish of changing habits and behavior. Her personal story, outlining her attempts and failures to change habits, is insightful and authentic. As the saying goes, misery loves company – I felt slightly comforted by the reminder of how hard change can be.

I hope this article will make you feel less alone. I'm there with you, as are countless others! Hang on (and keep trying)!

One Hundred and Seventy Nagging Beats a Minute: The Harsh Reality of Change - Therapy Blog
Why is change so hard? There are many fine details and complexities that contribute to each person’s unique experience in therapy, causing no two therapy sessions to look the same. However, a commonality amongst nearly all people seeking therapy is the desire for change. Almost every therapeutic process is centered around how to foster change. […]

#2 Savor a Cup of Tea the Mindful Way

I've been exploring mindfulness in all its forms, including mindful eating. One of my personal challenges is being present and mindful while eating and drinking. The five-step practice for drinking a cup of tea outlined in this article is the perfect place to start a mindful practice. Let me know if you try it out – and what you notice about the art of savoring a cup of tea. 🫖

How to Drink a Mindful Cup of Tea | Lion’s Roar
A cup of tea or coffee is a nice break. Drinking it mindfully is a real break. Joseph Emet teaches us this five-step practice.

#3 Affirmations for Artists

Calling all artists (especially artists seeking a bit of inspiration)! Here are 27 affirmations to help you fulfill your artistic expression. You can say these affirmations to yourself while looking in a mirror, write them in your journal and read them aloud, or even use them as journal prompts for reflection.

Affirmations for Artists, Art Journalers, & Creatives
27 Affirmations for Artists, Art Journalers and Creatives of ALL kinds will help you grow confident in your art making, whether it’s for fun or business.

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Let the Verse Flow is an independent, member-supported publication launched in June 2023 by Jill Hodge. If you subscribe today, you'll have full access to the website and newsletter, including articles, podcast episodes, and the Me-Time Mixtape Newsletter. Members are vital to building a rich community of diverse voices. Join us by subscribing today; consider a paid subscription to support the community. Thank you!