The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

My trip to Morocco was a whirlwind of sights, smells, tastes, and cultural lessons. I love the broadening of perspective that traveling provides, but it also reaffirms our beliefs and traditions. The understandings that we hold onto and believe in.

Today's podcast episode (episode #19) shares this insight, along with some snippets of the beautiful music I captured while traveling through the medinas of Morocco. I hope you enjoy it.

Also, in this week's Me-Time Mixtape, a few of my favorite journal prompts and a free meditation challenge offered by Sharon Salzberg.

#1 Travel Inspires/Travel Transforms

The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have. (Anna Quindlen)

I love this quote; it's often referenced when talking about travel. The idea that you can step out of your day-to-day life to become expansive in another place and time is so freeing and optimistic. Also, there is a range within the notion of “you.” You can explore that range and enjoy more than what this day and place alone can offer.

#2 Favorite Journal Prompts

Here are a few of my favorite journal prompts on personality, important life lessons, and the essential things in life. My family and I often amuse ourselves during holidays by asking variations of question #3 to each other. It’s fun to see what surprises pop up in the answers!

1) Looking back on your childhood and young adulthood, what 1 or 2 personality traits are you most proud of in yourself, and how do they help you now?

2) What’s one life lesson that you learned from a challenging experience? Write about why you’re grateful for it.

3) You are on a deserted island, and you can bring one person, one favorite object, and one album. What are you bringing and why?

#3 Free Meditation Challenge

I've signed up for this meditation challenge by the amazing Sharon Salzberg. It's free, but registration ends today, January 31st – the challenge begins tomorrow! She's offering 28 lessons (7-10 minutes each), covering these topics:

  1. Week One: Concentration practice
  2. Week Two: Mindfulness of the Body
  3. Week Three: Mindfulness of Emotions
  4. Week Four: Loving Kindness Practice

Mindfulness meditation can provide immense personal insight (and I find it deeply comforting). I've jumped back into my meditation practice, and I already feel more at home with my body and have more ease when dealing with stressful situations. Slow, baby steps toward being present in my life. Check it out!

Real Happiness — Sharon Salzberg
Sharon Salzberg is author of thirteen books sharing fifty years of Buddhist wisdom, and teaching the skills of mindfulness and meditation. Her books include: Finding Your Way, Real Life, Real Change, Real Love, Love Your Enemies, Real Happiness at Work, Real Happiness, The Kindness Handbook, The For

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Latest Podcast Episode (#19): Lessons from My Trip to Morocco: We Travel the World Through Our Eyes

Listen Now

Journaling Resources (Try the 30-Day Journal Challenge)

You can do this journal challenge any month. As we say goodbye to January, consider starting in February. Get started, even if you don't journal every day of the month. It still counts!

The Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health & Wellness
13 of the top benefits of journaling for mental health and wellness in plain English -- totally relatable and ready to put into practice.
30-Day Journal Challenge (Writing Prompts to Get Started)
Here’s a fun & simple 30-day journal challenge for beginners (or those who need inspiration). Use the daily prompts to rediscover yourself.

Sign up for the Me-Time Mixtape Newsletter and get access to all my articles, including this free 30-Day Journal challenge (with starter writing prompts).

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