Everyone could use a good journal prompt, am I right? Whether you journal today, pick it up tomorrow or only talk about it right now, these journal prompts will be here to inspire your expressive writing (and your creative self-care). Many of these writing prompts are taken from episodes of the Let the Verse Flow podcast. You can think about them, talk to a friend about them or write about them. Your choice!
When life feels out of control and we're overwhelmed by adulting, it's time to turn inward to cultivate faith, lean on spiritual practice, and then take action.
Rumi's The Guest House; Wondermind's Loneliness Together Workshops; Consistent Journaling; podcast episode (Keep Your Creative Spirit Alive: Focus on the Journey)
Nat Geo's octopus series; George the Poet on nature; journal prompts inspired by postcards; podcast episodes (the Nature Connection: Finding Peace & Perspective and Finding Balance: Caregiver Self-Care)