The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

I'm talking about caregiver burnout this week. Today's episode was written right before my mom's latest hospitalization. I thought I was stressed before she got sick, but this last illness took my stress to a whole other realm. Thankfully, I have this podcast to channel my thoughts and creative expression into. Writing and reciting poetry soothes my burnt-out soul.

I wanted this episode to be practical too, so I'm getting "real" about the challenge of dealing with the shapeshifting nature of caregiver burnout symptoms and offer seven tools for reducing the effects of burnout.

My dear, tough-as-nails caregivers: This episode is for you. You are stronger than you know; more beautiful in your strivings; and such wonderful exemplars of "good in the world." πŸ’œπŸ’›

#1 Cultivating Balanced Thought: Sharon Salzberg Course

When I saw these questions at the beginning of the explainer for this course, it resonated with me, especially as I think about protecting against caregiver burnout. In this course, Sharon will explore these very relevant questions:

How do we take care of ourselves while also being mindful of the needs of others?
What is a compassionate response to complex family issues that also require boundaries?
How do we care about the pain we see in the world while also having a long-term perspective?

I've enjoyed some of Sharon's other short courses – they cost just $10 – and can be listened to on the go.

Equanimity: A Ten-Day Wisdom Course β€” Sharon Salzberg
Equanimity, also known as the balance born of wisdom, is considered the secret sauce of spiritual practice. In this ten-day wisdom course, Sharon offers daily teachings on equanimity, providing both practical and nuanced applications to help embody a more balanced life.

#2 Validating Caregivers

Caregivers can run themselves ragged, finding it hard to rest in the confines of stolen moments. But taking a few moments to recognize your value as a person (outside of your caregiver role) is so important. Check out the infographic in this article for 5 validating self-care statements that you might need to hear and think about. Remember that adage: Thoughts are things! The big one for me – normalizing asking for help (which often starts by setting healthy boundaries).

Infographic: 5 Self-Care Validations for Family Caregivers

#3 The Soothing Effects of Nature Photography

One of the best ways to get out of your head is to connect to your bodily sensations; sight, taste, touch, sound, and smell. Nature is a portal into all of these sensations, calming our minds and connecting us to something greater than ourselves. Here's a beautiful photography collection to ponder.

πŸ“¨Can you guess which photo is my favorite? Hit reply and let me know which one you think I like the most.

15 marvelous Nature Photographer of the Year 2024 images
A giant octopus, a bobbing puffin, and a sea turtle in the claws of a crab.

BONUS: Check Out My Free Creative Guide to Reduce Overthinking & Worry

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