The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!
If you haven't already submitted the listener feedback survey, please share your valuable thoughts and opinions about the podcast. I'd love to learn more about you to make the resources and insights I share most meaningful for you. You can find the survey here.
🤗Thanks to everyone who supported my latest project, a caregiver stress reduction course called Caregiver Refresh: Creative Breaks for Self-Care and Stress Relief on the Insight Timer app. I explore how creative flow can help us overcome struggle and carve out meaningful me-time in our stressful caregiver lives. Each lesson has two parts: a discussion and then an affirmation meditation on creativity and self-care.
#1 Self-Appreciation (I'll Bet You Don't Do It Enough)
This sweet little article popped up in my Saturday New York Times feed and I instantly connected with the idea of self-appreciation. It's a great read. We may already have a gratitude practice (where we give thanks for the people and experiences in our lives), but how much time do we spend feeling grateful for ourselves? What did we do well today? What do we appreciate about ourselves? These are such worthy questions to ponder. 🤔
#2 Start a Sleep Journal
I have periods when I don't sleep well, and journaling at night (or at 2 am, if my insomnia hits) helps me put frets and worry to bed! If you struggle to settle down at night, give sleep journaling a try. 😴
#3 Summertime Journal Prompts🏖️🩴😎
Just for fun, here are some summertime journal prompts:
1) Write about a happy or meaningful summer memory from your childhood. Where were you? Who were you with? Why have you remembered it all these years later, and what life lessons did you take away from the experience?
2) Use the Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" to inspire you to write a short poem about your favorite summertime memory or activity. Perhaps add a doodle in the corner of the page to accompany your poem. Have fun!
3) Write a list of the top 10 places you'd like to visit for a summer vacation. Don't worry if your list isn't realistic. Look for patterns in the list; what do these places have in common? Could they be things you need more of in your life?
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