Where did HodgeonRepeat go? This month, I switched things up a bit and created a new podcast called Let the Verse Flow. Shortly after, I sunsetted my HodgeonRepeat blog.
First, thanks to all of you for coming this far with me on my health and wellness journey. So many of you let me know that my blog articles and social media posts helped you find ways to improve your health, fitness, and overall wellness. Sharing what I learn has always been a top priority for me, so I'm glad you got some value from HodgeonRepeat. While I'll still writing wellness articles, I'm doing it through a new creative lens. My goal is to continue to inspire your personal growth journey!
Creativity Can Spark Personal Growth
Are you an artist, creatively curious, or have a passion for a hobby or craft? My new podcast (and the articles on my website) will guide you to use your creative side to explore ways to add more fulfillment to your life. The goal: to cultivate personal growth and happiness by exploring our creativity. One of my favorite tools will be journaling. More on that later...
Why Create a Podcast?
The short answer: because I felt compelled to do it. After my mother's illness, I had to find a way to channel my sadness. Since writing is my passion, I started writing more, especially poems. Not Wordsworth poems, but little musings and rhythmic poems (some of which I recite over music as spoken word). These poems helped me work out my feelings, and connect with myself during a difficult time.
I also love music and listen to a wide variety of genres: rock, hip-hop, electronica, R&B, folk, and pop. I was making playlists that I would listen to while visiting my mom in the hospital (and during the time I took care of her at home).
A Personal Growth Podcast Told Thru Stories, Poems & Music
Yep, I'm using personal stories, my original poetry, and music to talk about how to add more purpose and meaning to your life. Join me on a creative journey to personal growth. Here are a few of the topics I'll be discussing:
😊Positive Psychology – What is it? How can we use tools and strategies drawn from this field to enrich our lives (while juggling all our commitments)?
🙏🏽Gratitude – Gratitude is the cornerstone of living a more fulfilling life because when you recognize all that you have, you start to focus on that, build towards it, and internalize those positive feelings (more than you focus on your struggles).
💭Mindfulness – Not mindfulness with a capital "M," but mindfulness in small doses that feel doable in your everyday life.
🖼️Creative Flow – How to use creative pursuits (e.g., painting, writing, dance, photography, crafting, and hobbies) to get into a state of flow. Flow energizes you so you spend more time doing things that you are deeply connected to.
📖Journaling – At the end of each podcast episode/blog article, I'll give you some journal prompts to use to explore the topic in depth for yourself. I want to help you have deep conversations with yourself to unlock new insights into what brings you meaning.
Here's a link to a teaser article (and poem) about the new podcast.

Two Types of Content on LettheVerseFlow.com
🎙️🎧biweekly podcast episodes (which you can listen to here on the website or using any major podcast app you like)
📖blog articles – I write a new blog article for each podcast episode (sent biweekly), but I also send other creative self-care resources and tips. Sign up so you don't miss any of it!
You can listen to the podcast on any of the major podcast apps. Here's a link to Spotify, but see additional links below.

Listen to Let the Verse Flow on Your Podcast Player of Choice
Music makes everything better! While some people are purists, I like to mix it up and listen to music from many genres. When I was young, I listened to lots of Rock, Folk, Soul, and Disco. Then in college, it was 80s New Wave, Alternative Rock, and Electronica. When my daughter became a teenager, she introduced me to hip-hop (and it stuck).
Here's my Season One LTVF music playlist. It features Prince, Bob Marley, Katy Perry, J. Cole, and Kenny Kirkland (my mom loves jazz). These are the songs that have inspired the first season of my podcast. I hope you will enjoy them too!
I moved my subscribers from HodgeonRepeat to this new site, so you're subscribed to receive free blog articles and podcast episodes when they are released (bi-weekly). You can always unsubscribe, but I hope you'll stay to check out the official podcast launch (coming tomorrow)!
Thank you all for your support, love, and friendship. I hope you stay on the bright side of the beat! 🌞