The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

Lately, I've been obsessed with mandalas. Their circular, repeating patterns, colorful playfulness, and contemplative uses as a focal point for meditation and creative flow fascinate me. So I used the video below to create my first mandala. The first one was a bit wonky, but I'm proud of what I learned (and moved on to create a second one). Here it is:

A photo of a hand-made mandala with teal, green, orange and red shapes and symbols.

Here's what I've learned from making two mandalas so far. I offer these beginner tips (lovingly shared as a beginner myself!):

  • Use card stock or similar heavy paper; sketch paper didn't hold up to paint pens.
  • Draw your concentric circles rather close together so your gridlines are closer. You can then use them to practice making small, repeatable shapes before doing larger (more difficult) ones.
  • Have the right supplies (use the list in the video) before starting. Get good quality pens so the ink flows well.
  • Set up in a well-lit space. You'll need plenty of bright light to see small spaces.
  • Have fun and don't judge your first few. It's incredible how much better my second one was than my first.

#1 Mandalas for Mindfulness

Here's a beginner mandala-making video. Don't feel bound by these pink colors, choose any palate you like. Blue and purple, shades of red, sunny yellow. Have fun with it!

How to Draw a Mandala: Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners!
Learn *how to draw a mandala* in this fun, easy step-by-step art lesson for beginners! 😍 You’ll learn: ➜ how to use a ruler, compass and protractor to creat

Watch Now

#2 Replacing "Bad" Habits Efficiently with Habit Stacking

According to James Clear, one of the experts on habit formation, we don't typically start new habits, we replace "bad" habits with better ones. One of the most efficient ways to do this is with habit stacking. Habit stacking is when you tack a new habit onto an established habit. Listen to my latest podcast episode (#34 on the power of habits) to learn more. I explore this concept and others using my weight loss goals as examples.

How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones
The quickest way to build a new habit into your life is to stack it on top of a current habit. Learn how to use Habit Stacking to build new habits now.

#3 Rumi & Shams: A Friendship That Inspired

Rumi's verses are everywhere, sprinkled across social media posts, dropped into personal growth courses, and quoted on over 1,000 Etsy store items (t-shirts, pendants, wall art). I admire Rumi's deceptively simple language, his economy with words, and how his insights feel like universal truths. Rumi inspires us. But what, or who inspired Rumi?

Read on about the unlikely friendship between Rumi and Shams; this tale reminds me of the precious gift of connection and community.

How Rumi Became a Poet
Rumi was a preacher before he was a poet. Born into a line of Islamic theologians, he was a celebrity delivering sermons to hordes of followers by the time he was 38. Eloquent and magnetic, dressed

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