The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

#1 Mindfulness as a Superpower

Just a reminder about why mindfulness is so important, especially for caregivers who intersect with so much nonsense and stress as they navigate healthcare, financial and emotional landmines.

This video breaks down the value of mindfulness as a superpower (plus it's really fun to see Dan Harris depicted as a mouse – deadpan humor at its best).

Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation
Practicing mindfulness is one of the single most powerful things you can do for your wellbeing. Want to give it a try? Visit for guide…

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#2 Forest Bathing: a Pause that Refreshes

What do these have in common:

  • a banyan tree near the ocean in Hawaii
  • the Redwood forest in California
  • the Adirondack Mountains in New York

They are all beautiful places to engage in forest bathing, the practice of spending immersive, mindful moments in nature! Highly reviving, forest bathing (or nature walks as I experience them) are restorative forms of self-care.  One of the benefits of immersing yourself in nature is that it puts your problems in perspective, and you feel connected to something greater than yourself. You can feel the enormity of planet Earth, and I find that especially comforting when I’m stressed.

Even my daily walks in Central Park can count (if I slow down and use my senses to be present in the moment). Right now, I'm enjoying the smell of Cherry Blossom trees, the sight of many different hues of green that seem to have sprung out of nowhere, and the light spring breeze that lets me know that summer is coming.  

Forest bathing: what it is and where to do it
Visit these five destinations to practice the Japanese art of forest bathing.

#3 Focus on the Art, Not the Outcome

Process art, artmaking and creative play that focus on the act of artmaking and not on the product can be a wonderful way to celebrate the present moment. Remember those long days when you were a child and would sit and draw/doddle/color for hours? By working with your hands, you can return to that playful time and feel connected to the present moment.

Check out the ideas at the end of this article on textured collage art, scented painting, and artmaking to music. Three great ideas for creative self-care.

Making Art Is My Playful Meditation Alternative
One editor finds that focusing on the process of artistic creation helps her tap into a meditative focus on experience.

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