The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!
My favorite coping mechanism to handle the effects of living in an increasingly weary world is ART, in all its shapes, forms, and permutations. Whenever the day's news gets to be too much, I turn to art. Sometimes, it's dancing around the house with music blasting; other times it's reading a good book (current read: Andrew Cote's Honey & Venom on urban beekeeping). I lean into art to remind myself that magic and whimsy still exist – and are very much alive in my heart and mind.
Today's episode is on the value of appreciating art in a worn and weary world. I hope it lifts your spirits.
#1 Just Dance
These improv dance shorts have been popping up in my feed – this is improv (but let's be real, the dancers are professional). I love the fun they are having, the little dance flourishes, and the smiles and non-verbal communication between the dancers.
Let's dance, just for fun, and because we can. 💃🏽
#2 Got Art?
Read up on the benefits of viewing art on the mind and body, and then explore Artpiq's website which promotes new artists and their work.

#3 Jill's Photo Montage of NYC Street Art
When preparing today's podcast episode on appreciating art, I went through my phone to see what street art I could find and realized just how obsessed I am with it. It motivated me to create the first in a series of photo collages on my wonderful NYC journeys.

BONUS: Check Out My Free Creative Guide to Reduce Overthinking & Worry

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Episode #50: Art Appreciation for a Weary World

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