The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

What would you do with 24 hours of me time? I'll answer first – I'd go for a day trip to the beach, bring a good book, and my folding chair, and read and write on the beach. I'd eat a chewy NY bagel with scallion cream cheese for lunch. I'd take a long walk, look for shells, and enjoy one last day of summer-like weather before it turns cold.

Your turn – I'm curious about you, dear reader, especially about how best to support your creativity and self-care. To help me learn more about you, I created this one-question survey. See #1 below – and please share your thoughts with me (all answers are anonymous). πŸ™πŸΌ

#1 What Would You Do with 24 Hours of Me Time?

Dream for a moment that you have 24 hours to yourself. Then click through and tell me about it.

Creative Self-Care
Made with Tally, the simplest way to create forms.

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#2 Bring Nature Inside

"Biophilic design" describes how you add nature-inspired design elements into your home. I do it with houseplants, seating (rockers) on my balcony, and scattered beach glass and stones as decorative items around my house.

5 Easy Ways To Connect With Nature At Home | Spirited Earthling
There are 5 easy ways to connect with nature while at home that are guided by biophilic design principles.

#3 Books to Inspire Our Inner-Artist

I read a lot of blog articles and newsletters, but I'm a slow book reader. I was surprised that I'd read (and enjoyed) four books on this list. I'm intrigued to read at least two more (β€œThe Letters of Vincent van Gogh,” edited by Mark Roskill, and β€œThe Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle). I was looking for a way to get into Eckhart Tolle, and this should be a perfect first read of his work. What are you picking from this list? Hit reply and let me know. πŸ“–

10 Books Every Artist Must Read For Inspiration - Arts To Hearts Project
Remember, the path of an artist is one of continuous growth and exploration, and these books you read for inspiration are invaluable companions along the way.

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